5 Star-Spangled 4th of July Social Media Campaigns


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Holidays are a fun time to engage your customers, prospects and team members via social media. With little planning, you can conduct a July 4th social media campaign to draw in new clients, as well as engage your existing customer base. Here are 5 ways to ignite your followers on Independence Day:

1. Partner with a Charity

Take a look at your local community – is there a charity that makes sense for your business to support? Partnering with a local organization and volunteering your time is a great way to help fundraise in a patriotic way.

If you’re having trouble choosing a charity, Charity Navigator has a great list of highly rated nonprofits that support our military members and their families.

2. Share Patriotic Photos

Host a red, white and blue day for employees, encouraging them to wear their most patriotic ensembles. Have employees vote for the best outfit and offer a prize.

Be sure to take photos of all the fiery fashions to share on social media. It’ll show your followers that your company is a fun place to work and introduce them to the people behind your success. Encourage more likes and shares by asking fans to get in on the fun and post their own patriotic photos.

3. Share Products or Services to Use for July 4th

Even if you don’t sell something specific to 4th of July celebrations, you can still get creative. Think outside of the box… can you tie in a product in a unique or funny way? Once you’ve got your idea, run with it (and run a promotion as well).

Clever and creative marketing enables you to make an impact when you advertise without being overly “pushy” with your approach – you’ve made advertising fun.

Spark some inspiration. Check out this great roundup of creative ways businesses conduct 4th of July marketing.

4. Promote Your Independence Day Sale

Are you running a sale or promotion for Independence Day to drive sales and traffic? Make sure you promote your campaign early and often.

Give your social media followers a sneak peek at your promotion a few days before it begins with a teaser campaign. Tell them exactly what you’ll be offering over a series of social media blasts or posts to keep them coming back for updates. Don’t forget to create a brand-specific hashtag for your campaign to maximize your reach and impact.

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5. Conduct a Contest

4th of July contests are a great way to create social media engagement around the 4th of July, as well as promote customer interaction.

Run a photo contest by having followers post their most patriotic moments or their best red, white and blue photos. Don’t forget to create a branded, holiday-specific hashtag for your contest (this will help you sort through entries and create higher visibility for your campaign).

Remember, your goal is to have a little fun while celebrating the 4th of July. While engagement isn’t everything, it’s critical to give back to your customers sometimes (and not always make it about the sale).

Start Your Social Media Campaigns For The 4th Today

Now is the time to put your plan into action. Take one or two of the suggestions from this article and start planning your 4th of July social media campaign.

Can you start teasing a holiday campaign today? You don’t need to have your plan finalized to let your followers know you have something fun in the works. Repurpose aspects of successful promotions from previous holidays to create a plan. Most of all, have fun with it!